I woke up this morning not feeling 100% but definitely feeling better than I have in days, maybe weeks. The sickness has definitely moved into my chest and I'm coughing up some really lovely little globules of God-knows-what. It's starting to feel like another warm and mild day here in southern West Virginia which is awesome because before long the cold will really set in for the season. There are no clouds in the sky this morning and the atmosphere is just the most amazing shade of blue, so deep and vibrant and electric. I've been piddling about this morning, doing my morning internet routine, walking around outside, straightening up a bit, took my meds, etc. I called my sous chef to reassure him that I would be at work this afternoon. He's been holding down the fort for me this week.
And I feel a sense of cleanliness, a sense of renewal, a sense of beginning again. Damn if I know what that whole sexual/emotional escapade thing with C was about but sometimes maybe it's not for us to know. Alls I know is now that it's really over I'm fucking glad it's over. I definitely have other fish to fry so-to-speak. I'll be working in the restaurant through the weekend and into next week but will probably manage a couple of days off mid-week and I really hope the weather is nice and I feel well because I want to git'R'done! That's it, my friends. That's my mantra. Git'R'done! pizeace, MOM
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